Foundations Edition

27.  Worshiping God


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Chapter 27

Worshiping God

Worship of God involves honoring him, recognizing his worthiness. As such it includes acknowledging God’s divine characteristics and wonderful deeds.

Worship is done directly through praise and thanksgiving – and by making offerings to God (giving to him from what we have). It is carried out both in church groups and privately.


We must worship God – and God alone

[God:] Worship only me, the Lord your God!   Exodus 23:25a CEV

Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He sent his angel and saved his servants, who trusted him. They disobeyed the king and risked their lives so that they would not have to honor or worship any god except their own God.   Daniel 3:28 GW

Live righteously in order to acceptably worship God

[God, to ungodly people in Israel:] You twist the truth and stomp on justice. … 21I, the Lord, hate and despise your religious celebrations and your times of worship. 22I won’t accept your offerings or animal sacrifices— not even your very best. 23No more of your noisy songs! I won’t listen when you play your harps. 24But let justice and fairness flow like a river that never runs dry.   Amos 5:7b, 21-24 CEV

How to Worship God

Worship God in spirit

[Jesus:]  But a time is coming — and now is here — when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such people to be his worshipers. 24God is spirit, and the people who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.   John 4:23-24 CEV

To worship “in spirit” is primarily an inward activity, rather than being centered on the performing of ceremonial acts (which was such a main part of OT worship). It involves our spirit – and thus our mind and will.

Worship God with reverence and awe

[The writer, to believers:] Let us be grateful and worship God in a way that will please him, with reverence and awe; 29because our God is indeed a destroying fire.   Hebrews 12:28b-29 GNT

Worshiping Together

Join with fellow believers in worshiping God

[A call to fellow Israelites:] Come! Let’s bow down and worship! Let’s kneel before the Lord, our creator!   Psalms 95:6 NET

Offer praise and thanksgiving together

They [Israelites] praised the Lord and gave thanks as they took turns singing: “The Lord is good! His faithful love for Israel will last forever.” Everyone started shouting and praising the Lord because work on the foundation of the temple had begun.   Ezra 3:11 CEV


We are also to worship God with offerings

He [God] is wonderful! Praise him and bring an offering into his temple. Worship the Lord, majestic and holy.   1 Chronicles 16:29 CEV

Give willingly

[Paul, to believers:] Each one of you should give just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver.   2 Corinthians 9:7 NET

Pray for persecuted Christians