Foundations Edition

Unit D. God and His Own People


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Unit D

God and His Own People

  1. The Standing of God’s People
    1. Belonging to God
    2. Being God’s Family
    3. Being “in” Jesus Christ
  1. Keys to God’s Interaction
    1. God’s Presence with His People
    2. God’s Knowledge of His People
    3. God’s Love and Grace
    4. God’s Gift of the Holy Spirit
  1. God’s Transformation of His People
    1. Spiritual Life
    2. Holiness
    3. Spiritual Attributes
    4. How God Transforms
  1. God’s Care of His People
    1. Basics
    2. God Saves His People
    3. God Protects His People
    4. God Sustains His People
  1. God’s Plans for His People
    1. Basics
    2. God’s Work for His People to Do
    3. God’s Guidance of His People

 ➜Major headings in: Unit D

Pray for persecuted Christians