Intermediate Edition

Subject Index


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Subject Index


Aaron, 9.II.c

Abraham, 8.II.a

faith of, 13.II.c

Access, to God, 16.II.d

Adam, 9.I.e

Adultery, 34.I.a, 34.I.b

Afterlife, 15.II, 22.I.d, 38.II.b


and God, 5.I.b, 10.II.a

and God’s people, 5.I.c

and Jesus Christ, 15.I.b

attributes of, 5.I.a

Anger, 31.II.b

Anguish, 37.I.a, 39.II.a


of David, 8.II.c

of Jesus Christ, 11.I.a, 11.I.c

Antichrist, 30.II.c, 40.I.b

Armor, spiritual, 36.II.b

Assurance, 17.II.a, 21.I.d


in NT, 13.I.b

in OT, 9.II.a, 9.II.c

Authorities, civil. See Civil authorities

Authority, in the church, 30.I.b


Baptism, 29.I.a

Belief. See also Faith

in God, 21.I.a, 22.I.a, 24.II.c

in Jesus Christ, 16.I.a, 21.I.c, 22.I.a, 29.I.a, 35.II.b, 35.II.c

outcomes of, 15.I.d

reasons for, 12.II.b

Belonging, 16.I.c

Bitterness, 31.II.b

Blasphemy, 25.I.b

Blessings, 17.I.d, 25.II.d

giving, 29.II.d, 40.II.b

things leading to, 24.I.a, 32.I.c, 40.II.d

Blood, 9.II.b

in OT offerings, 9.II.b

of Jesus Christ, 29.I.b

Boasting, 38.I.b

Boldness, 35.I.c

Bribery, 32.II.d


Call, of God, 16.I.a


divine, 19.II.a, 22.I.b, 22.I.d, 26.II.b, 27.I.a, 40.I.c

for others, 23.I.a, 24.I.d, 26.II.d, 34.I.c

Children, 13.II.c

duties of, 34.I.d

parents’ duties to, 34.I.c

Children of God, 16.I.c, 18.I.d


by God, 16.I.a

of Israel, 8.II.c

of Jesus Christ, 11.I.c


as God’s, 16.I.d

as one body, 16.II.c, 26.I.a

fellowship of, 26.I.c

unity of, 26.I.b

Church leaders

church members’ duties to, 30.I.d

relating to members, 30.I.b

requirements of, 30.I.a


physical, 29.I.c

spiritual, 29.I.c

Citizens, 34.II.a

Civil authorities, 34.II.a, 34.II.b

Cleansing, 10.I.b, 20.II.c

Closed-mindedness, 33.II.c

Comfort, 39.I.c

divine, 39.II.d

Commands of God, 14.I.c, 23.II.b, 30.II.a, 36.I.a, 36.I.b

Commissioning, 29.II.d

Compassion. See also God, compassion of; Jesus Christ, compassion of

human, 26.II.d

Competence, 30.I.a

Conceit, 38.I.a

Condemnation, 5.II.b


of Jesus Christ, 29.II.a

of sins, 21.I.b, 37.I.c

Confidence, 39.I.e

Conformity, 37.II.c

Confrontation, 30.I.c

Conscience, 38.II.e

Consequences, 38.II.b, 38.II.c

Contentment, 38.II.a

Cost, of discipleship, 31.II.a

Courage, 22.II.b, 28.II.c, 30.I.a

Covenant, 8.I.a

the new, 14.II.a

with Abraham, 8.II.a

with David, 8.II.c, 11.I.a

with Israel, 8.II.b, 9.II.c

Coveting, 31.II.a


and God, 6.I.b, 6.I.d. See also God, creative work of

renewal of, 15.II.a


David, 8.II.c

anointing of, 8.II.c

God’s covenant with, 8.II.c, 11.I.a

Jesus Christ descended from, 11.I.a, 11.II.b


as judgment for sin, 9.I.d, 9.I.e

eternal, 9.I.e

physical, 6.II.a, 6.II.b, 9.I.e, 38.II.b, 39.I.b

salvation from, 13.II.b, 15.II.c

spiritual, 9.I.d

Deceit, 5.II.a, 32.II.c, 33.II.d, 36.I.d, 38.I.c

Deeds. See also Good deeds; Works, and righteousness and salvation

judgment of, 15.I.c, 15.I.d

Defilement, 9.I.d, 37.I.a

Delight, 39.I.c

Deliverance, from trouble, 17.I.a, 18.I.d, ch.19, 19.I.b, 25.II.d, 27.II.a, 39.II.b, 40.I.c. See also Enemies, deliverance from

Demons, 5.II.d

counteraction of, 36.II.c

possession by, 5.II.d

Denial, of Jesus Christ, 30.II.c

sinful, 37.II.a, 37.II.c

Despise, 25.I.b

Devotion, to God, 28.I.b

Discipleship, 23.II.c


divine, 10.I.b, 18.I.d

family, 34.I.c

Dishonest gain, 32.II.d

Dishonoring God, 25.I.b

Divorce, 34.I.b

Doubt, 22.II.a, 24.II.c

Drunkenness, 33.II.b


Earnestness, 21.I.a, 24.II.c

Earth, 1.I.b, 7.I.b

Encouragement. See also Trouble, encouragement in

human, 26.II.c, 28.II.d

End times. See Last days

Endurance, 40.II.a, 40.II.c

Enemies, 19.I.c

deliverance from, 22.II.c

love for, 31.I.b

of God, 7.I.c

spiritual, 36.II.a

Eternal life, 8.I.c, 21.I.c

as a reward, 15.I.c

nature of, 15.II.b

requirements of, 21.II.a, 21.II.b

through Jesus Christ, 15.I.d

Evaluation, 38.II.e

Evil, 2.I.a, 6.II.c, 23.I.e, 33.I.b, 33.II.a

divine help against, 19.II.c

God’s power over, 7.II.a

Jesus Christ’s power over, 15.I.b

responding to, 37.II.a

results of, 15.I.d

Example, 30.I.b. See also Jesus Christ, example of

Extortion, 32.II.d


Faith, 36.II.b, 36.II.c, 40.II.b. See also Belief; Trust

and deeds, 21.II.b

as a body of beliefs, 30.II.a, 36.I.c

blessings of, 13.II.c

from God, 17.II.c

in Jesus Christ, 13.II.c, 14.I.a. See also Belief, in Jesus Christ

in prayer, 24.II.c

lack of, 22.II.a

necessity of, 14.I.a, 21.II.d, 22.I.c

what it involves doing, 22.I.a. See also Belief; Trust


to God, 36.I.a, 40.II.a

to people, 32.II.a, 34.II.c

Falling away, 38.II.a

False gods, 36.II.d

False teachers, aspects of teaching, 30.II.c

Family, of God, 16.I.c

Fasting, 29.II.c

Favoritism, 2.I.b, 32.I.a


of God, 23.I.c

and godliness, 23.I.e

and wisdom, 33.I.b

reasons for, 23.I.d

of people

absence of, 20.II.b

exhortation against, 22.II.b, 23.I.c, 35.I.c, 40.II.b

reasons not to, 22.II.c


amongst believers, 26.I.c

with God and Jesus Christ, 26.I.c, 26.I.c

Final judgment, the, 15.I.c

Fire, 15.II.e

Firstfruits, 27.II.b

Flattery, 32.II.c

Focussing on God, 22.II.d, 24.I.b

Following Jesus Christ, 23.II.c, 40.II.a

Foolishness, 26.I.b, 33.II.a, 35.II.c, 38.I.a

Footstool, 14.II.d

Foreigners, 32.I.b


human, 31.I.c

of sin, 2.II.b, 14.II.a, 21.I.b, 21.I.c, 31.I.c, 37.I.c, 37.I.d

through Jesus Christ, 13.I.b

Fornication, 38.II.d

Freedom, 19.I.b

Fruit, spiritual, 28.II.a

Future, the, 1.II.c, 10.II.c


Generosity, 27.II.c

Gentiles, 13.II.c

as part of God’s people, 16.II.c

Gentleness, 30.I.b, 31.I.d


to God. See Offerings

to needy, 32.I.b

Glorifying God

instructions on, 25.I.a

reasons to, 25.II.a

Glory. See also God, glory of; Jesus Christ, glory of

for God’s people, 15.II.b, 15.II.c, 20.II.e

Gluttony, 33.II.b


anger of, 2.I.d, 9.I.e, 13.I.b, 23.I.d

benevolence of, 2.II.c

compassion of, 2.II.b

creative work of, 6.I.a, 6.I.c, 25.II.c, 27.I.a

deeds of, 2.I.b, 6.II.d, 7.I.a, 23.II.a, 24.I.b, 27.I.a, 34.I.c, 35.I.b, 36.I.b

for his people, 28.I.c

deeds of, for his people, 35.I.b

eternity of, 1.I.d

faithfulness of, 2.I.c, 18.I.d, 25.II.b

fatherhood of, 16.I.c, 24.II.b

form of, 1.I.a

generosity of, 2.II.c

glory of, 1.I.b, 25.II.a, 27.I.a

goodness of, 2.II.c, 8.I.b

grace of, 17.I.d. See also Grace

greatness of, 1.II.a, 23.I.d, 25.II.a

holiness of, 2.I.a, 8.I.b, 23.I.d, 25.II.b, 37.II.c

incomprehensibleness of, 1.II.a

jealousy of, 2.II.d

justice of, 10.I.c, 18.I.d

kindness of, 2.II.c

knowledge of, 1.II.c, 10.I.c, 17.I.b, 25.II.a

love of, 2.II.a, 17.I.c, 18.I.d, 23.I.b, 24.I.b, 25.II.b

mercy of, 2.II.b, 25.II.b, 31.I.c

name of, 1.II.d, 30.II.c

omnipotence of. See God, power of

omnipresence of. See God, presence of

omniscience of. See God, knowledge of

oneness of, 1.I.a

patience of, 2.I.d, 2.II.b

personhood of, 1.I.c

plans and purposes of, 7.I.d, 7.II.a, 20.I.a, 34.I.b

power of, 1.II.b, 5.II.b, 6.I.c, 8.I.b, 10.II.b, 12.I.a, 12.II.d, 14.II.c, 19.I.a, 20.I.c, 22.II.c, 25.II.a, 28.II.b, 35.II.c. See also God, deeds of

presence of, 1.I.a, 32.I.a, 4.I.a, 16.II.d

with people, 17.I.a, 20.II.d, 22.II.c, 24.I.c, 24.II.b, 39.II.d

promises of, 2.I.c, 8.I.a, 11.II.d, 17.I.c, 18.II.a, 22.I.b

reign of, 25.II.c

righteousness of, 2.I.b, 8.I.b, 10.I.c

self-existence of, 1.I.d

sovereignty of, 6.I.d, ch.7, 23.I.d, 27.I.a

the only God, 7.I.a, 19.I.b

transcendence of, 1.I.d

unchanging, 1.I.d, 2.II.a, 7.I.d

uniqueness of, 2.I.a

will of, 1.I.c, 12.I.c, 24.II.d, 34.II.a. See also God, plans and purposes of

wisdom of, 1.II.c, 6.I.c, 6.I.d, 25.II.a, 35.II.c

God’s people

as belonging to God, 16.I.b

choice of, 16.I.a

God’s work.  See also Serving God

through his people, 17.II.b, 20.I.c, 20.I.d

Godliness, 28.I.a, 28.I.d, 30.I.a

Gods, false. See False gods

Good deeds, 21.I.b, 21.I.d, 21.II.b, 31.I.b

Good news, 35.II.a

Gospel, the, 8.I.a

call to tell, 35.I.a

God and effectiveness of, 35.II.c

insights on, 35.II

spreading of, 26.II.a, 35.I.c, 40.I.a

what to say, 35.I.b

Gossip, 31.II.c

Grace. See also God, grace of; Jesus Christ, grace of

and Christian life, 14.I.b, 17.I.d, 26.II.c

and salvation, 21.II.b

Graciousness, 33.I.d

Greed, 31.II.a

Growth, spiritual, 26.II.b, 36.I.c, 40.II.c

Grumbling, 31.II.c

Guarantee, 17.II.a


by God, 19.II.c

exhortation to, 30.II.d


by God, 20.I.d

receiving God’s, 28.I.d, 39.II.b


Hands, laying on of, 29.II.d

Haste, 33.I.e

Hate, 9.I.b, 31.II.b, 37.II.a, 40.I.a

Head, Jesus Christ as, 16.II.c

Heart, 1.II.c, 7.II.d, 29.I.c, 33.I.d, 39.II.a

Heaven, 12.II.d, 15.II.c

worship and service in, 14.II.b

Heavens and earth, 1.I.b, 6.II.d, 15.II.a

Heir, 16.I.c. See also Inheritance


divine, 19.I.c, 22.II.c, 23.II.b, 26.II.b, 35.I.c, 36.II.a, 37.II.a

of others, 26.II.d, 30.I.c, 34.I.d

High priest

in OT, 9.II.c

Jesus Christ as, 14.II.b

Holiness, 29.II.b

and obedience, 21.II.a

as separation from the worldly, 37.II.c

exhortation to, 28.II.c, 37.II.c

produced by God, 18.I.b

Holy Spirit, the

and God’s presence, 4.I.a, 16.I.d, 17.II.a

and inspiration of Scripture, 8.I.a

and salvation, 17.II.b

and sanctification, 17.II.c

and spiritual gifts, 28.II.e

as the Spirit of God, 4.I.a, 4.II.a

assurance from, 21.I.d

empowerment by, 17.II.d

eternity of, 4.I.b

gift of, 17.II.a, 20.II.c, 29.II.d

God’s work through, 17.II.b

guidance from, 17.II.d

in creation, 6.I.c

in Jesus Christ’s mission, 11.I.c, 11.II.b, 12.I.a

in ministry, 28.II.b, 36.II.c

in prayer, 24.II.b

in spread of the gospel, 35.I.c, 35.II.c

in the church, 16.I.d

in worship, 27.I.b

knowledge of, 4.I.b

living by, 21.II.c

oneness with God and Jesus Christ, 4.II

personal characteristics of, 4.I.c

personhood of, 4.I.c

power of, 4.I.b

presence of, 4.I.b

renewal by, 17.II.c

wisdom of, 4.I.b

work through believers, 17.II.d

Homosexual acts, 38.II.d

Honesty, 32.II.b


God, 25.I.a

people, 34.I.d, 38.I.b

Hope, in God, 8.I.c, 22.I.d, 39.I.e, 40.II.b

and faith, 22.I.d

God as source of, 18.II.a

Humility, 38.I.c, 38.I.d

before God, 37.I.c, 38.I.d

Hunger, 19.II.a

Husband, 34.I.b



of believers with Jesus Christ, 16.II.b

of Jesus Christ with believers, 16.II.a

Idols, 36.II.d

Ignorance, spiritual, 33.II.c

Image of God, people as, 6.II.c

Imprisonment, 19.I.b

Inspiration, of Scripture, 8.I.a

Integrity, 32.II.b

Intercession, 14.II.b

Invitation to salvation, 21.I.a


and Jesus Christ, 11.I.a, 13.II.d

as God’s people, 8.II.b, 20.II.d

judgment of, 10.II.d

renewal of, 20.II


Jealousy, 31.II.b

Jerusalem, 20.II.d, 20.II.d

the new, 15.II.a, 15.II.e

Jesus Christ

as creator, 6.I.c

as high priest, 14.II.b, 16.II.d

as judge, 15.I.d

as Lord, 14.II.d, 16.I.d, 23.II.c

as savior, 11.I.a, 13.I.a

as Son of God, 2.II.a, 3.II.a, 21.I.c, 35.I.b

as Messiah, 11.I.c, 21.I.c, 35.I.b

as Word of God, 8.I.a

ascension of, 12.II.d

authority of, 14.II.d

birth of, 11.II.b

body of, 16.II.c, 26.I.a

compassion of, 11.II.c

death of, 11.I.b, 11.II.c, 12.II.c, 13.II.c, 16.II.b, 16.II.d, 26.I.d, 29.I.b, 35.I.b

deeds of, 3.II.b, 11.I.d, 12.II.a

descendant of David, 11.I.a, 11.II.b

divinity of, 3.II.a, 3.II.c, 3.II.d. See also Jesus Christ, equality with God; Jesus Christ, identification with God

enablement by God, 12.I

equality with God, 3.II.a. See also Jesus Christ, identification with God

eternity of, 3.I.a

exaltation of, 11.I.b, 12.II.d

example of, 23.II.c, 40.II.a

faithfulness of, 3.I.c

gentleness of, 11.II.c

glory of, 3.I.b, 12.II.d, 15.I.b

God’s work through, 11.II.d, 12.II.b, 13.II.a, 15.I.d

greatness of, 3.I.b

holiness of, 3.I.c

humanity of, 11.II.b

humility of, 11.II.c

identification with God, 3.II.c. See also Jesus Christ, equality with God

justice of, 11.I.a

knowledge of, 3.I.b, 12.I.b

love of, 3.I.c, 11.II.c, 23.I.b, 26.I.d

mission of, 11.II.a, 11.II.b, 14.II.c

name of, 3.I.d, 24.II.c, 29.I.a, 36.II.c

obedience of, 12.I.c

offering of, 14.I.b, 14.II.b, 18.I.b

omnipotence of. See Jesus Christ, power of

omnipresence of. See Jesus Christ, presence of

omniscience of. See Jesus Christ, knowledge of

power of, 3.I.b, 5.II.b, 12.I.a, 14.II.d, 20.I.c

pre-eminence of, 3.I.b

pre-existence of, 3.I.a

presence of, 3.I.b, 21.II.d

prophecies concerning, 11.I.a, 11.I.c

rejection of, 13.II.d, 15.I.d

resurrection of, 11.I.b, 11.I.c, 12.II.d, 13.I.d, 15.II.b, 16.II.b, 35.I.b

return of, 15.I.a, 19.II.b, 22.I.d

righteousness of, 3.I.c, 11.II.c, 20.II.b

salvation through, 11.II.a

self-existence of, 3.I.a

servanthood of, 3.II.e, 11.II.c

sovereignty of, 12.I.a

subordination of, 3.II.e

suffering of, 11.I.b, 11.I.c, 26.I.c, 40.II.a

teaching of, 12.II.b, 21.II.d

unchanging, 3.I.a

wisdom of, 3.I.b, 12.I.b

worship of, 3.II.d

Jews, the, 13.II.d

and Gentiles, 13.II.c, 13.II.c, 16.II.c

Joy, 8.I.c, 17.II.c, 18.II.c, 20.II.b, 33.I.e

Judgment of God, ch.10. See also Punishment

characteristics of, 10.II.b

justness of, 10.I.c

means of, 10.II.a

outcomes of, 10.I.c

reasons for, 9.I.e, 10.I.b, 31.I.c, 34.I.b, 38.II.c

the final judgment, 15.I.c

Judgment, human,

exhortation against, 31.I.c

Justice, 32.I.a, 34.II.c

administration of, 34.II.b


and Jesus Christ’s work, 13.I.b, 14.I.a, 21.I.c

through faith, 14.I.a


Kingdom of God, 12.II.b, 14.II.c, 35.I.b

entry into, 15.II.c, 40.II.d

Knowing God, 3.II.c, 11.II.a, 14.II.a, 24.I.d, 33.II.d

Knowledge, 6.II.c, 15.I.d, 23.I.e, 33.II.a, 36.I.c

from God, 18.I.c, 18.II.d


Land, 20.II.a

Last days, persecution in, 40.I.b, 40.I.c

Law, 8.I.a, 31.I.b

and Jesus Christ, ch.14

and righteousness, 14.I.a

breaking of, 9.I.a, 9.II.c

fulfillment of, 14.I.b

limitations of, 14.I.a, 14.II.a

living free of, 21.II.c

obedience to, 8.II.b, 34.I.c, 34.II.b

overview of, 8.II.b

release from, 14.I.b, 16.II.b

relevance of, 14.I.c

Ten Commandments, 8.II.b

Lies, 30.II.c

Life, 3.I.a, 8.II.b, 9.II.a, 9.II.b

physical, 6.II.a, 23.I.e, 38.II.b

spiritual, 8.I.c, 17.II.c, 18.I.a

through Jesus Christ, 13.II.b, 16.II.b

Light, 1.I.b

spiritual, 8.I.c

Listening, 33.I.d

Living with Jesus Christ, 16.II.a. See also Union with Jesus Christ

Lord, 1.II.d, 7.I.a, 19.I.b

Lord’s Supper, the, 29.I.b


divine enablement to, 17.II.c, 18.II.a

for God, 23.I.a

for other Christians, 21.I.d, 26.I.d, 30.I.a, 30.I.d

for others, 31.I.a, 34.I.b, 34.I.c

importance of, 23.I.b, 24.I.d

miscellaneous, 38.II.a

Lust, 38.II.d

Lying, 32.II.c


Marriage, 34.I.a

Masters, 34.II.c

Meditation, 36.I.b, 39.I.c

Meekness, 31.I.d


with God, 24.I.c

with other believers, 26.I.a

Mercy. See also God, mercy of; Jesus Christ, mercy of

human, 31.I.c

Messiah, the

identified with Son of God, 11.I.d

Jesus Christ as, 11.I.c

prophecies concerning, 11.I.a

Millenium, 15.I.e

Mind, 1.II.c, 7.II.d

Miracles, 7.II.b, 12.I.a, 12.II.a, 35.II.c

Mourning, 39.I.b

Murder, 31.II.d

Mystery, 35.II.a



and Israel, 8.II.a, 20.II.a

and Jesus Christ, 11.I.a

God’s power over, 7.I.b, 7.II.c

judgment of, 10.II.a

Nature, 10.II.a, 12.II.a

God’s power over, 7.II.b

Needs, met by God, 19.II.a

Needy, the

insights on helping, 32.I.c

instructions on helping, 32.I.b, 34.II.b

Neighbor, 31.I.b

New creation. See also Creation, renewal of

believers as a, 18.I.a



aids to, 22.I.c, 23.I.e

and faith, 21.II.a, 22.I.c

blessings of, 8.II.b, 21.I.d, 33.I.b

need for, 21.II.a, 23.I.a, 24.I.a, 24.I.d, 24.II.d

to God, 3.II.d, 14.I.c, 23.II.a, 34.I.c, 39.I.c

to people, 30.I.d, 34.I.d, 34.II.a, 34.II.c

Occult, 36.II.d

Offerings. See also Jesus Christ, offering of

and righteousness, 27.II.d

in OT, 9.II.a

instructions for, 27.II.b

reasons for, 27.II.a

Opposition, 40.I.a

Oppression, 31.II.d

Overcoming, 19.I.c, 36.II.a



children’s duties to, 34.I.d

duties of, 34.I.c


in church life, 26.I.c

in Jesus Christ, 29.I.b

Patience, 31.I.d, 39.I.e

Peace, 17.II.c, 18.II.b

with God, 13.I.b

with others, 26.I.b, 31.I.d


God’s control over, 7.II.d

uniqueness of, 6.II.c


blessings of, 40.II.d

divine help in, 40.I.c

nature of, 40.I.a

responding to, 26.II.a, 40.II.a

Persistence, 24.II.c, 26.II.c, 36.I.b, 36.I.c, 39.II.b

Plans, as subject to God’s will, 7.II.d. See also God, plans and purposes of

Pleasure, 33.II.b

Possessions, 32.I.b

Praise, 15.II.d, 24.II.c, 25.I.a, 25.I.e, 27.I.b

how to, 25.I.c, 27.I.c

in suffering, 39.II.c

reasons to, 25.II.a

Prayer, 3.II.d, 25.I.d, 36.II.b, 36.II.c

before God, 24.II.b

corporate, 27.I.c, 29.II.c

faith in, 22.I.b, 24.II.c

for others, 26.II.a, 30.I.c

God’s response to, 22.I.c, 24.II.a, 24.II.d, 39.II.d

importance of, 24.II.a

in suffering, 29.II.c, 39.II.a

making requests in, 24.II.c, 39.II.b

things to ask, 23.II.b, 28.I.d, 28.II.b, 33.I.b, 35.I.d, 37.I.c, 37.II.a, 39.II.b, 40.II.b

through Jesus Christ, 16.II.d


in action, 38.I.b

in thought, 38.I.a

outcomes of, 38.I.c

Priests, 9.II.c, 14.II.a

Prophecy, 8.I.a, 8.I.b

Prostitution, 38.II.d

Protection, 19.II.c

Provision, 25.II.c, 27.II.a

Punishment, 5.II.d, 10.I.c, 23.I.c. See also Judgment of God; Sin, punishment for

civil, 34.II.a

eternal, 15.II.e

reasons for, 10.I.b, 32.I.c, 37.I.a

Purification, 21.I.c

Purity, 21.II.a


Quarrelling, 26.I.b, 31.II.c

Questioning, 10.II.c

Quietness, 39.I.e


Ransom, 13.I.c

Rape, 31.II.d

Readiness, 36.I.d

Rebellion, 9.I.b

Rebirth, 18.I.a

Reconciliation, 13.I.b

Redemption, from sin, 13.I.c, 16.II.b

Refuge, 19.II.c, 39.I.d

Regulations, 21.II.c

Rejoicing, 25.I.e, 25.II.d, 25.II.d, 39.II.c, 40.II.c

Relationship with God, 37.I.d

Remarriage, 34.I.a

Remembering, 29.I.b, 36.I.b, 39.I.c

Remnant, 13.II.d, 20.II.a

Renewal, spiritual, 18.I.a, 20.II.c. See also Israel, renewal of

Repayment, 10.I.c

Repentance, 10.I.c, 21.I.b, 37.I.d

Respect, 34.I.d, 34.II.c

Response, 35.I.b, 35.II.b

Responsibility, 35.II.b

Rest, 29.II.b

Restoration, 37.I.c, 37.I.d

Resurrection. See also Jesus Christ, resurrection of

of believers, 13.I.d, 15.I.b, 15.II.b

of the dead, 15.I.c

Returning, to God, 37.I.b

Revelation of God, 6.II.d

through creation, 1.I.b, 6.II.d

Reverence, 24.II.b, 27.I.b

Reward, 10.I.b, 15.I.d, 28.I.c, 36.I.c, 40.II.c, 40.II.d

Riches, 22.II.e, 38.II.a

Righteous living, 21.II.c, 25.I.d, 27.II.d, 28.II.c, 37.II.b

Righteousness, 8.II.b, 9.I.c

and Jesus Christ’s work, 13.I.b, 14.I.a, 16.II.b, 21.I.c

by faith, 8.II.a, 14.I.a, 21.II.b


God’s power over, 7.I.b, 7.II.c


Sabbath, 29.II.b

Salvation, 13.I.b, 29.I.c

for the world, 13.II

from sin, ch.13

open to all, 21.I.a

requirements of, 21.II.b

through Jesus Christ, 2.II.a, 11.I.c, 11.II.b, 13.II.a, 15.I.d, 25.II.d, 35.II.b

Sanctification, 15.II.c

means of, 18.I.b

Sanctuary, the heavenly, 14.II.b


and God’s people, 5.II.c, 36.II.a

divine help against, 19.I.c, 19.II.c

evilness of, 5.II.a

power of, 5.II.b

resistance to, 36.II.b

Scripture, 8.I.a. See also Word of God

Seal, 17.II.a

Seeking God, 21.I.a, 24.I.a

Self-control, 33.I.e

Self-deception, 38.I.c

Self-exaltation, 38.I.b

Selfishness, 31.II.a

Self-righteousness, 38.I.a

Separation from God, 9.I.d, 15.II.e

Servants, 34.II.c

Serving God, 3.II.d, 15.II.d, 22.I.c, 27.II.d, 34.II.b. See also God’s work

empowerment for, 28.II.b

how to, 28.II.a, 36.I.a

preparation for, 28.I.a

reasons to, 28.I.c

Serving people, 28.II.d

Sex, 34.I.b

Sexual immorality, 38.II.c

Sharing, 26.I.c, 26.II.d, 31.I.c

Shepherd, 30.I.c

Sin, 29.I.a

as being against God, 9.I.b

avoiding, 23.I.e, 37.II.a

causes of, 37.II.a

confession of, 21.I.b, 37.I.c

dealing with, 37.I.c

defined, 9.I.a

effects of, 2.I.d, 2.II.d, 9.I.d, 33.II.c, 33.II.d, 37.I.a

freedom from, 13.I.c, 16.II.b

Jesus Christ’s death for, 13.I.a, 14.I.b

punishment for, 9.I.e, 10.I.b

returning from, 37.I.b

salvation from, 11.II.a, ch.13

universality of, 9.I.c

Sincerity, 32.II.b

Sinful nature, 9.I.c, 21.II.c, 37.II.b

Singing, 25.I.d

Slander, 31.II.c


general, 16.II.c

spiritual, 9.I.d, 37.II.b

Sober-minded, 38.II.e

Sorrow, 37.I.c

removal of, 15.II.c, 20.II.b

Soul, 6.II.b

Sowing and reaping, 10.II.c


adverse, 31.II.c

divine help in, 17.II.d, 40.II.b

instructions on, 26.II.c, 33.I.d

Spirit, human, 6.II.b

Spiritual gifts, 28.II.e

Spiritual warfare

engaging in, 36.II.b. See also Demons, counteraction of

existence of, 36.II.a

Spouses, 34.I.b

Standing firm, 22.I.c, 36.I.c

Stealing, 32.II.d

Strength, 28.II.c, 30.I.a

given by God, 17.I.d, 19.II.b, 22.II.b, 39.II.b, 40.I.c

Strengthening of others, 30.I.c

Studying, 23.II.b


to God, 23.II.b

to people, 26.I.b, 34.I.b, 34.II.a, 34.II.c

Suffering, 39.I.a, 40.I.a, 40.II.a, 40.II.c

causes of, 37.I.a

God’s response to, 39.II.d

praise in, 39.II.c

prayer in, 39.II.a

remembering God in, 39.I.c

trusting God in, 39.I.d

Support, 30.I.d


Teaching, 33.I.c, 34.I.d, 36.I.c

divine, 17.II.b, 18.I.c

God’s word in, 30.II.a

how to, 30.II.b

parental, 34.I.c

Temper, 33.II.b


God’s people as a, 16.I.d

Temptation, 5.II.c, 37.II.a

Ten Commandments, 8.II.b

Testimony, 39.II.d

false, 32.II.c

Thanksgiving, 24.II.c, 25.I.a, 25.I.e, 39.II.c

how to, 25.I.c, 27.I.c

reasons for, 25.II.a, 27.II.a

Thirst, 19.II.a

Trembling, 23.I.c

Trinity, the.

teaching used as evidence for. See Holy Spirit, oneness with God and Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ, divinity of; Jesus Christ, identification with God

teaching that contrasts with, 3.II.c, 3.II.e


causes of, 33.II.b, 37.I.a

encouragement in, 17.I.a, 17.I.b, 18.II.c, 19.II.b, 20.I.b, 20.I.d

sharing in others’, 26.I.c

Trust. See also Faith

in God, 22.I.a, 22.II.b, 22.II.d, 22.II.e, 39.I.d

misplaced, 22.II.e

Trustworthiness, 32.II.a

Truth, 8.I.b, 11.II.a, 18.I.c, 35.II.a

Truthfulness, 32.II.b

Turning, 37.I.a, 37.I.b


Uncleanness, spiritual, 37.I.a

Understanding, 38.I.c

Unfaithfulness, 10.I.b, 36.I.a

Unfruitfulness, 28.I.c

Ungodliness, 33.II.b

Union with Jesus Christ

and baptism, 29.I.a

living in, 21.II.d

nature of, 16.II.a

significance of, 16.II.b, 18.I.a

Unity, of God’s people, 13.II.c, 26.I.b

Unselfishness, 35.I.d


Violence, 31.II.d


Walking, with God, 24.I.c

Warfare, spiritual. See Spiritual warfare

Wariness, 38.II.e

Warning, 10.I.c

Washing, 29.I.a

Watchfulness, 30.II.d, 36.I.d

Weakness, 20.I.c

Weapons, spiritual, 36.II.b

Weeping, 39.I.b

Wholeheartedness, 23.II.b, 24.I.a, 25.I.d, 28.II.c

Wicked, judgment of, 10.I.b, 10.II.c

Wickedness, 33.II.a

Wife, 34.I.b

Willingness, 27.II.c

Wisdom, 30.I.a, 33.II.a, 34.II.b

precedence of, 33.I.a

through God, 18.II.d, 23.I.e, 33.I.b

through others, 33.I.c

worldly, 33.I.a

Witchcraft, 36.II.d

Word of God, 25.II.c, 36.I.b, 36.II.b

characteristics of, 8.I.b

elements of, 8.I.a

functions of, 6.I.c, 8.I.c

use of, 23.II.b, 30.II.a, 30.II.d, 37.II.a

Work, 33.I.e, 35.I.c

Works, and righteousness and salvation, 14.I.a, 21.II.b

World, 11.II.a

God as judge of, 10.I.a

salvation for, 11.II.a, 13.II

Worry, 22.II.d, 40.II.b

Worship, 3.II.d, 27.I.a

false, 40.I.b

how to, 27.I.b, 27.II.a, 29.II.c

reasons to, 27.I.a

with other Christians, 27.I.c

Pray for persecuted Christians